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Tag: Marijuana

Most edible cannabis products sampled in three major U.S. cities are mislabeled

Edible Cannabis Products Often Mislabeled

Sixty percent contained less active ingredient than label said, while 23 percent had more
Medical marijuana may be useful in treating chronic pain and spasticity

Moderate-Quality Evidence for Marijuana Rx for Pain, Spasticity

Review of 79 studies indicates only low-quality evidence for other conditions
Doctors should discourage women from using marijuana during pregnancy and breastfeeding

ACOG: Doctors Should Urge Against Prenatal Marijuana Use

Recommendation notes evidence has shown it can affect infant brain development
A potentially hazardous form of marijuana use called "dabbing" is growing in popularity across the United States

Risky Pot ‘Dabbing’ Method Growing in Popularity

Fires and even explosions have been linked to this practice, experts say
Medical marijuana users don't appear to increase their risk for drug or alcohol abuse if they also take prescription pain medications

Pain Med Rx + Medical Cannabis Doesn’t Seem to Up Abuse Risk

But researchers say doctors should be kept informed of dual usage
For pregnant women with intractable nausea relieved by frequent bathing

Case Report: Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome

Syndrome should be considered in pregnant women with intractable nausea relieved by bathing
A liquid form of medical marijuana may help people with severe epilepsy that does not respond to other treatments

AAN: Liquid Marijuana Shows Promise for Refractory Epilepsy

Child and adult patients who took cannabidiol had decrease in seizure rates
New research suggests that synthetic marijuana

NKF: Synthetic Marijuana Tied to Kidney Damage

Observational studies strongly support that there is a correlation between the two
Marijuana shouldn't be legalized because of the potential harm it can cause children and adolescents

AAP Opposes Legalization of Marijuana

But supports compassionate use for children with debilitating, terminal illnesses