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Tag: Lupus

For female patients with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus who require treatment with cyclophosphamide

High Doses of Triptorelin Needed for Ovarian Suppression in SLE

High doses tolerated by adolescent female patients with childhood-onset SLE
Pediatric discoid lupus erythematosus carries a significant risk of progression to systemic lupus erythematosus

Pediatric Discoid Lupus Carries Significant Progression Risk

First year after diagnosis poses greatest risk of progression to systemic lupus erythematosus
In the United States

Quality of Care Lacking for ESRD in Lupus Nephritis

Minority race/ethnicity and lack of private insurance associated with inadequate care in U.S.
In the United States

Race, Ethnicity Appear to Affect Lupus Prognosis in U.S.

Asians, Hispanics have lower mortality rates