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Tag: Kids: Misc.

Girls from families with a history of breast cancer experience greater breast cancer-specific distress

Greater Breast CA-Specific Distress for Girls With Family Hx

No difference in psychosocial adjustment for girls with versus without family history of breast cancer
Children with autism spectrum disorder have a significant difference in premedication type compared with children without ASD

Peri-Op Experience Similar for Children With, Without Autism

Children with ASD are significantly more likely to have nonstandard premedication types
The patterns of pediatric mandible fracture vary with age and sex

Patterns of Pediatric Mandible Fx Vary With Age, Sex

Younger patients, females more likely to have condyle fractures, fractures caused by falls
Neonatal hypoglycemia seems not to be associated with adverse neurologic outcomes when the condition is treated to maintain a certain blood glucose concentration

Glucose Threshold Suggested for Neonatal Hypoglycemia

No adverse outcome when hypoglycemia treated to maintain blood glucose concentration of ≥47 mg/dL
Enterovirus D68 seems to be a more virulent pulmonary pathogen in children than rhinovirus or non-EV-D68 enterovirus

Enterovirus D68 Doesn’t Raise Mortality Risk in Children

But it increases the likelihood of respiratory distress compared with rhinovirus, non-EV-D68
Computerized cognitive training improves cognitive deficits associated with pediatric cancer treatment

Computerized Tool Aids Cognitive Deficits in Cancer Survivors

Findings based on small study of childhood cancer survivors with treatment-related deficits
Primary care providers are the sole physician managers for more than one-third of children receiving mental health care

One-Third of Children See PCPs for Mental Health Conditions

More than 40 percent of children with ADHD see primary care provider only
The early signs of child abuse among infants and toddlers -- head trauma

Researchers Urge Routine Screening for Child Abuse

Further testing of all children with suspicious injuries could minimize misdiagnoses
Adoption of a recommended bundle of prevention behaviors is associated with a reduction in the pediatric surgical site infection rate

Prevention Bundle Can Cut Rate of Pediatric SSIs

Twenty-one percent reduction in SSI rate reported across network hospitals
Significant disparities in care and outcomes exist for children with retinoblastoma

Significant Disparities in Care for Pediatric Retinoblastoma

Extraocular disease higher among Hispanic children, counties with low socioeconomic status