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Tag: Kids: Misc.

Children born by planned cesarean delivery appear to have slightly higher odds of developing asthma than those born through vaginal delivery

Asthma Risk Up Slightly for Planned C-Section Children

But second study finds countries with low C-section rates had higher mortality rates for infants, mothers

November 2015 Briefing – Pediatrics

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pediatrics for November 2015. This roundup includes the latest...
The companionship of a dog may lower a child's anxiety levels

Having a Dog in the Home Can Ease Children’s Anxiety Levels

Children with pets less likely to test positive for anxiety than those without
Guidance is offered for the pediatric perioperative anesthesia environment in a policy statement published online Nov. 30 in Pediatrics.

AAP Provides Guidance on Pediatric Peri-Op Anesthesia

Guidance relates to care team, resources committed to patient care, pediatric-specific techniques
Melatonin might improve sleep patterns for children with atopic dermatitis

Melatonin May Improve Sleep in Children With Atopic Dermatitis

Children taking melatonin fell asleep about 21 minutes sooner than those taking placebo
Young people exposed to maternal diabetes during pregnancy have poorer glycemic control and β-cell function

Exposure to Maternal Diabetes Impacts Youth Glycemic Control

Exposure to maternal diabetes in pregnancy linked to poorer glycemic control and β-cell function
Obese children may have difficulty resisting food because of how their brain is wired

RSNA: Brain Response to Food Odors Different in Obese Children

Food smells elicit stronger reactions in heavier children, small study finds
Factors that relate to appropriate management of upper respiratory tract infections in children include clinician specialty and patient race/ethnicity and age

Factors ID’d That Predict Antibiotic Rx in Pediatric URI

Non-pediatrician clinicians, white race/ethnicity, age 12 to 18 years predict antibiotic prescription
Germline mutations are found in cancer-predisposing genes in 8.5 percent of children and adolescents with cancer

Germline Mutations ID’d in 8.5 Percent of Children With Cancer

Germline mutations found in cancer-predisposing genes of 8.5 percent of 1,120 children, teens
Children whose mothers were exposed to relatively high levels of perfluorooctanoic during pregnancy have more rapid accumulation of body fat

Prenatal PFOA Exposure Linked to Excess Weight in Children

However, more research needs to be done to show cause-and-effect