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July 2017 Briefing – Pediatrics

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Pediatrics for July 2017. This roundup includes the latest...
Children and teens from rural areas may be less likely to develop inflammatory bowel disease than those in cities

Rates of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Down in Rural Areas

Rural living may have protective effect, Canadian study suggests
After the release of the controversial Netflix series 13 Reasons Why -- a show that depicts the suicide of a fictional teenager -- there were surges in the number of Google searches using the term "suicide

Google Searches for Suicide Up Post 13 Reasons Why Series

Searches surrounding suicidal ideation increased; some looked for suicide prevention, researchers say
For children and adolescents

Serum γ-Glutamyltransferase Linked to MetS in Children, Teens

Increased odds ratios for metabolic syndrome for boys and girls after multivariable adjustment
Although more American adolescents are listening to music via earphones than ever before

U.S. Adolescents Exhibit Little Change in Hearing Loss

Hearing loss initially jumped between 2007 and 2008, but then dropped back down by 2010
Many people misunderstand what food allergies are

Food Allergy Can Be Easily Misdiagnosed in Children

Food sensitivity and intolerance may be mistaken for allergic reaction, even by doctors
A visual analogue scale score is valid for assessing anxiety among children during induction of anesthesia

Visual Analogue Scale Valid for Assessing Pediatric Anxiety

Score valid for assessing anxiety during induction of anesthesia for children undergoing surgery
For pediatric and adolescent oncology patients

Single-Dose PCV13 Immunogenic, Safe in Pediatric Oncology

After vaccination, ≥70 percent had protective antibody titers for S. pneumoniae serotypes
High doses of vitamin D don't protect children from upper respiratory tract infections in the winter

High-Dose Vitamin D No Help for Winter URIs in Children

High dose supplementation did not reduce overall wintertime upper respiratory tract infections
Celiac disease is a common comorbidity in young people with type 1 diabetes

International Variation in Prevalence of Celiac in T1DM

Overall, 3.5 percent of children had biopsy-confirmed CD; prevalence was higher for girls than boys