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Tag: Insurance: Medicaid

Medicaid Expansion Tied to Better Preconception Indicators

Increases seen in preconception health counseling, daily folic acid intake

Expanding Medicaid to all states could reduce the number of uninsured by 28 percent based on pre-COVID-19 data

Expanding Medicaid in Holdout States Could Insure 3.9 Million

Given the increase in uninsured due to COVID-19-related unemployment, this estimate is likely low
Among low-income adults

Medicaid Expansion Contributing to Earlier Cancer Diagnosis

Cancer diagnosis earlier for low-income adults with screening-amenable cancers following Medicaid expansion
Expansion of Medicaid was associated with a reduction in the number of uninsured patients with breast cancer

Medicaid Expansion Linked to Drop in Uninsured With Breast Cancer

Significant reductions in uninsured patients, in advanced-stage disease, especially in African-Americans
States that expanded Medicaid had a greater decrease in age-adjusted cancer mortality than those that did not

ASCO: Drop in Cancer Mortality Greater With Medicaid Expansion

Estimated 785 fewer cancer deaths in 2017 in states that expanded Medicaid
Disruptions in health insurance coverage are common and are associated with poorer cancer care and survival

Health Insurance Coverage Disruption Impedes Cancer Care

Findings consistent across cancer continuum, from screening to treatment and end-of-life care
Total insurance coverage

Medicaid Expansion Tied to Higher Mammography Rates

Expansion states saw higher Medicaid, total insurance coverage, and use of coverage for mammography
Among new mothers living in poverty

Uninsurance for Poor New Moms Down With ACA Medicaid Expansion

Increase in Medicaid eligibility linked to reduction in uninsurance and increase in Medicaid coverage
Medicaid expansion driven by the Affordable Care Act was associated with greater reductions in uninsurance rates in Diabetes Belt versus non-Belt counties

Uninsured Rate in Diabetes Belt Dropped With Medicaid Expansion

Decrease in uninsurance after Medicaid expansion greater in Diabetes Belt than in non-Belt counties
Large proportions of antibiotic prescriptions for Medicaid patients are filled without evidence of infection-related diagnoses or clinician visits

Many Antibiotic Rx Filled Without Infection-Related Diagnosis

More than one-quarter of antibiotic fills for Medicaid patients not associated with a clinician visit