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Tag: Hospitals

Catheter reduction programs are associated with a reduction in the number of catheter days per 100 patient-days

Catheter Reduction Programs Do Reduce Use of Catheters

Centers without reduction programs have higher use of catheters overall, for inappropriate indications
Health care workers who wear contaminated gloves can transfer bacteria onto hospital surfaces

Health Care Workers’ Gloves Strong Source of Contamination

Clear evidence that gloves of health care workers contaminate hospital surfaces with bacteria
Costs of hospitalization for privately insured adults rose more than 37 percent over five years

Patients Face High Hospital Bills Despite Having Insurance

Average out-of-pocket fee for privately insured adults topped $1,000 in 2013
Hospital prices in California increased substantially from 2004 to 2013

Prices for Care Rise Significantly As Multi-Hospital Systems Emerge

76 percent increase per hospital admission across all hospitals; greater increase in multi-hospital systems
The use of ambulance diversion for temporarily relieving emergency departments remains a critical issue across the country

Ambulance Diversion Still a Concern Across the United States

Ambulance diversion linked to delays in treatment; seems ineffective for addressing overcrowding
Change in physician call systems may increase hospital readmission rates

Change in Physician Call System May Up Readmission Rates

Increase in readmission rate seen regardless of patient age, readmission risks, medical diagnoses
Children who move homes in the first year of life have a significantly increased risk of emergency admissions for potentially preventable hospitalizations between ages 1 and 5 years

Moving in First Year of Life Ups Preventable Hospitalizations

Moving home tied to increased risk of potentially preventable hospitalizations between ages 1 and 5
A new program may help reduce both urinary catheter use and its associated infections

New Program May Help Cut UTIs Associated With Catheter Use

Researchers find new training method led to fewer urinary tract infections

May 2016 Briefing – Nursing

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Nursing for May 2016. This roundup includes the latest...

May 2016 Briefing – Critical Care

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Critical Care for May 2016. This roundup includes the...