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Tag: Herpes Zoster (Shingles)

Vaccination with zoster vaccine live is associated with a reduced risk for stroke among older adults

ASA: Herpes Zoster Vaccine May Reduce Risk for Stroke

Risk significantly reduced for stroke events, acute ischemic strokes, hemorrhagic strokes in older adults
The relative incidence of shingles is lower in adults after exposure to a household contact with chickenpox

Adult Exposure to Chickenpox Cuts Shingles Risk

A modest but long-lasting protective effect was observed, but full protection not achieved
A two-dose course of recombinant zoster vaccine is associated with a reduction in the incidence of herpes zoster among adults who have undergone autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

Two-Dose Course of Vaccine After HSCT Cuts Incidence of Zoster

Incidence of herpes zoster decreased during median 21-month follow-up after autologous HSCT
From 2003 to 2014

2003 to 2014 Saw Incidence of Herpes Zoster Drop in Children

Vaccinated children had 78 percent lower rate of HZ incidence than unvaccinated children
From 2004 to 2012

Herpes Zoster Ophthalmicus Cases Increased in 2004 to 2012

Highest rates of HZO seen in older adults, women, and in whites versus other racial groups
Vaccination with recombinant zoster vaccine seems cost-effective under a wide range of conditions

Recombinant Zoster Vaccine Cost-Effective in Simulation

Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio varied from $10,000 to $47,000 per QALY for RZV versus no vaccine
During the first eight months of recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) use

CDC Examines Safety of Recombinant Zoster Vaccine

Total of 4,381 reports of adverse events during first eight months of use; 3 percent were serious
The risk for herpes zoster is elevated during the two years preceding diagnosis and during treatment of hematological cancer

Risk for Zoster Up Before Dx, During Tx of Hematologic Cancer

For solid organ cancers, the risk is greater among those receiving chemotherapy
The herpes zoster adjuvant recombinant subunit vaccine may be more effective than the live attenuated vaccine

Herpes Zoster Recombinant Vaccine Seems Most Effective

However, adjuvant recombinant subunit vaccine tied to more injection site adverse events
Recipients of the herpes zoster subunit vaccine

Robust Immune Responses for Herpes Zoster Subunit Vaccine

Humoral response seen for 97.8 percent of HZ/su vaccine recipients versus 2 percent of placebo