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Tag: Hepatitis

Technivie (ombitasvir

FDA Approves Technivie for Hepatitis C

For people with chronic hepatitis C genotype 4
Combination treatments show promise for HIV and hepatitis C virus coinfection

Combo Treatments Promising for HIV-HCV Coinfection

Sustained virologic response for ledipasvir and sofosbuvir; and for daclatasvir and sofosbuvir
New cases of hepatitis C are drastically underreported to federal officials

Hep C Infections Underreported in the United States

In one state, only one from 183 diagnosed cases met reporting criteria for CDC
A living document has been developed to aid practitioners treating patients infected with hepatitis C virus. A document update and a summary of recommendations have been published online June 25 in Hepatology.

Web Process to Provide Timely Guidance in HCV Management

Living document developed, which will reside online and provide up-to-date recommendations
For intramuscular hepatitis B virus vaccine nonresponders

Intradermal HBV Vaccine Efficient for Intramuscular Nonresponders

No reports of adverse events with intradermal recombinant HBsAg-based vaccine

Digestive Disease Week, May 16-19

Digestive Disease Week 2015 Digestive Disease Week, the annual meeting sponsored by the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases, American Gastroenterological...
Guidelines for hepatitis B virus screening among patients with cancer have been updated

ASCO Updates Guidelines for Hepatitis B Screening in Cancer

Screening urged for patients with risk factors for infection, receiving cancer tx linked to reactivation
Researchers have released yet another study finding impressive results for an experimental drug combo that aims to rid the body of hepatitis C. The study is published in the May 5 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Experimental Drug Combo Shows Success in HCV Treatment

Drug trio could join newer, highly-effective meds such as sofosbuvir, ledipasvir/sofosbuvir
Prednisolone and pentoxifylline are associated with limited and no benefits

Prednisolone, Pentoxifylline Little Use in Alcoholic Hepatitis

Nonsignificant drop in 28-day mortality with prednisolone; no improvement with pentoxifylline
For patients with hepatitis C virus

Statin Use Found Beneficial in Hepatitis C Treatment

Improved virologic response rates, decreased liver fibrosis progression, HCC incidence