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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Misc.

Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators may not benefit all patients to the same degree

ICDs May Provide Little Benefit When Implanted Over Age 70

ICDs lead to extended survival in those at high risk for sudden cardiac death, less so for those over 70
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

ACC/AHA Risk Score No Better for Identifying Elevated CAC in RA

Ten-year risk score no better than Framingham Risk Score, Reynolds Risk Score
A new analysis indicates that people with type 2 diabetes are less likely to suffer myocardial infarctions

BP Meds Benefit Diabetes Patients, Even Without HTN

Although positive effect of meds smaller in participants with lower blood pressure levels

Smartphone ECGs Have Similar Accuracy to Standard ECGs

Smartphone and standard ECGs detect atrial rate and rhythm, AV block, QRS delay with equal accuracy
Extremely obese adolescents in an intensive 10-month residential treatment program lost more weight than their counterparts

Residential Program Cuts CVD Risk Factors in Obese Youth

Helps with weight loss, but therapy is costly and long-term results are unknown
Different angiotensin receptor blockers have distinct potencies for suppressing adrenal β-arrestin1-dependent post-myocardial infarction hyperaldosteronism

Some Angiotensin Receptor Blockers More Potent Than Others

Candesartan and valsartan most efficacious post-MI hyperaldosteronism suppressors
Early enrollment in cardiac rehabilitation does not increase major adverse event rates among patients who recently underwent open heart surgery

Early Rehab Doesn’t Increase Adverse Events Post-CABG

Findings in coronary artery bypass graft patients entering cardiac rehab within two weeks of discharge
One out of three adults would sooner face a shorter life span than take a daily pill to prevent cardiovascular disease

One in Three Prefer Earlier Death to Daily Pill

One of three survey respondents rejected the idea even if it meant a shorter life
Patients with peripheral arterial disease who face amputation of a foot or leg can have their limb saved by minimally invasive surgery to improve blood flow

ISET: Program to Test, Treat for PAD Reduces Amputations

Saving limbs saves lives and costs less than amputation for peripheral arterial disease
A little jogging is good for your health

A Little Jogging Goes a Long Way

Just an hour or two a week confers life-extension benefits, researcher contends