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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Misc.

Andexanet alfa can reverse the anticoagulant effects of factor Xa inhibitors

AHA: Andexanet Alfa Can Reverse Effect of Factor Xa Inhibitors

Reversal of anticoagulant activity of apixaban and rivaroxaban seen in older healthy participants
Patients with normal or near-normal coronary angiogram results at age 65 years or older have significantly longer survival than the general population

Normal Coronary Angiogram at 65 Predicts Survival

Death rate is lower than that of general population; rate of ischemic events also low
Macrolides are associated with a small but measurable increased risk of sudden cardiac death

Macrolides May Raise Cardiovascular Risks

Macrolides were linked to small, but significant, chances of sudden cardiac death
Combination therapy of endovascular revascularization and supervised exercise is associated with greater improvements than supervised exercise alone for patients with intermittent claudication. The findings were published in the Nov. 10 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association

AHA: Combo Tx Ups Benefits in Intermittent Claudication

Greater improvements in waking distances, quality of life with revascularization plus exercise
Patients with mechanical heart valves may benefit from managing their own oral anticoagulant therapy

Self-Managing Anticoagulation May Benefit Heart Valve Patients

Study found self-monitoring was linked to a lower risk of death after five years
Just one energy drink can cause potentially harmful spikes in both stress hormone levels and blood pressure in young

AHA: One Energy Drink Ups Blood Pressure, Norepinephrine Levels

Physicians may need to ask young adults about energy drink intake in emergency settings
For most patients with an implantable cardiac defibrillator

AHA: Many Patients Worried About Sex Post ICD Implantation

Both patient and partner need better counseling before leaving the hospital, researcher says
One of the new

Sofosbuvir Tied to Rare Cases of Bradyarrhythmia

Doctors may need to monitor cardiac rhythm when starting patients on the medication
Some athletes with irregular heartbeat caused by long QT syndrome and athletes with long QT syndrome who have implanted pacemakers or defibrillators may be able to play competitive sports

New Advisory OKs Some Athletes With Heart Conditions to Play

Statement from cardiology groups applies only to those participating in organized sports
Anesthetists make a negligible contribution to post-cardiac surgery mortality

Negligible Impact of Anesthetists on Post-Cardiac Surgery Mortality

Overwhelming factor associated with outcome was patient risk; surgeon had moderate impact