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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: Misc.

Social jetlag due to a habitual discrepancy between endogenous circadian rhythm and actual sleep times

Social Jetlag Tied to Prediabetes, Cardiovascular Disease Risk

Misalignment of sleep timing associated with metabolic risk factors, even after adjustment
Patients who receive therapeutic hypothermia may be nearly three times more likely to survive cardiac arrest

Therapeutic Hypothermia May Help Cardiac Arrest Patients

Treatment improved survival in non-shockable heart cases, researchers say
For men with type 1 diabetes

Testosterone Levels Not Linked to Autonomic Neuropathy in T1DM

Lower testosterone concentrations at years 10, 17 not linked to cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy
For patients with resistant hypertension

Primary Aldosteronism Screen Cost-Effective in Resistant HTN

Findings for computed tomography scanning followed by adrenal venous sampling
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Urinary Potassium Excretion Tied to Renal, Cardio Risk in T2DM

Higher urinary potassium excretion, not sodium excretion, tied to lower risk of primary end point
Hormonal status seems to interact with genetic variants to influence cardiovascular phenotypes

Hormonal Status Impacts Genetic Variation, CIMT Link

SNPs within the innate immunity pathway altered the treatment effect on four-year change in CIMT
For patients with acute coronary syndrome managed with invasive procedures

Radial Artery Access Reduces Mortality, Major Bleeds in ACS

Fewer bleeding events, lower mortality rates when compared to femoral artery access

American Heart Association, Nov. 7-11

The American Heart Association's 2015 Scientific Sessions The annual meeting of the American Heart Association was held from Nov. 7 to 11 in...
Patients with stable ischemic heart disease who undergo percutaneous coronary intervention fare no better than those treated with medication and lifestyle changes alone

PCI May Not Improve Survival for Some Heart Disease Patients

Findings in patients with stable ischemic heart disease
Male and female cardiologists have different job activities and salaries

AHA: Gender Disparity in Cardiologists’ Salaries

Gender differences in compensation even after adjustment for measured characteristics