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Tag: Heart / Stroke-Related: High Blood Pressure

For patients with hypertension

Albuminuria Linked to Higher Nighttime SBP in Hypertension

Significantly higher nighttime systolic BP, especially in patients with diabetes and low eGFR
Among adults with hypertension

Resistant Hypertension Linked to Increased Risk of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea with resistant HTN linked to increased risk of ischemic heart event, congestive heart failure
Persistent use of antihypertensive treatments is greater with the new generation of beta-blockers

Persistent Use Higher With New Generation Beta-Blockers

Notable improvement seen with carvedilol and nebivolol, but not betaxolol
Baseline renal function tests can stratify the risk of severe preeclampsia in pregnant women with chronic hypertension

Renal Function Tests Stratify Risk in Pregnant Women With HTN

Baseline assessment of renal function can identify the risk of developing severe preeclampsia
Women with previous early preeclampsia have signs of diastolic dysfunction and different left ventricular characteristics in the nonpregnant state before a second pregnancy with recurrent preeclampsia

Maternal Cardiac Dysfunction Precedes Recurrent Preeclampsia

Women who go on to develop recurrent preeclampsia have lower stroke volume, cardiac output
Uptravi (selexipag) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat adults with pulmonary arterial hypertension.

FDA Approves Uptravi for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

Drug found to limit worsening of the disease and reduce the need for hospitalization
Biomarkers have been identified for the risk of lung transplantation and death in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension

Prognostic Biomarkers ID’d in Pulmonary Hypertension

Lower vWF and HDL cholesterol levels, higher NT-pro-BNP-levels linked to death, transplantation
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends blood pressure screening for adults and use of confirmatory blood pressure measurement outside the clinic setting. These findings form the basis of a review and recommendation statement published online Oct. 12 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

USPSTF Recommends High Blood Pressure Screening

Confirmatory blood pressure measurements should be conducted outside the clinical setting
A higher level of achievements earned on a gamification system is associated with a reduction in blood pressure

AHA: Patient Engagement Linked to Drop in Blood Pressure

Level of achievement on gamification system linked to reduction in systolic, diastolic blood pressure
Diffusion tensor imaging and cognitive assessment can identify predictive signs of hypertension-induced vascular cognitive impairment

New Imaging Technique Detects HTN-Linked Cognitive Impairment

Findings for diffusion tensor imaging and cognitive assessment