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Tag: Heart Failure

A clinical trial assessing the use of stem cells to treat heart failure patients has been paused by the U.S. National Heart

Cardiac Stem Cell Trial Halted Due to Concerns About Fake Data

CONCERT-HF trial on hold while data and safety monitoring board conducts review
Transcatheter mitral-valve repair results in a lower rate of hospitalization and lower all-cause mortality than medical therapy alone among patients with heart failure and moderate-to-severe secondary mitral regurgitation who remain symptomatic despite the use of guideline-directed medical therapy

Transcatheter Mitral Valve Repair Benefits Some With Heart Failure

For patients with secondary mitral regurgitation who remain symptomatic despite medical therapy
The incidence of congestive heart failure during pregnancy is 31 percent among women with a history of cardiotoxicity associated with cancer treatment

CHF in Pregnancy Up for Cancer Survivors With Cardiac Toxicity

Incidence of congestive heart failure at 31 percent among women with a history of cardiotoxicity
Patients with advanced heart failure enrolled in hospice have fewer emergency department visits

Heart Failure Patients Enrolled in Hospice Use Less Health Care

Fewer ED visits, hospital stays, and ICU stays; longer median survival for those enrolled in hospice
Despite decreases in overall heart failure incidence and mortality in ambulatory patients from 2009 to 2014

Mortality Rate From Heart Failure Higher in Women Than Men

From 2009 to 2014, rate of incident HF admissions after HF diagnosis fell in men, rose in women
Risk of cardiotoxicity is higher for patients receiving trastuzumab and/or anthracyclines for the treatment of breast cancer

Cardiac Monitoring Needed for High-Risk Breast Cancer Patients

Trastuzumab, certain chemo treatments increase patient risk of heart failure
A hospital certification program offered by the American Heart Association and The Joint Commission will be made available to hospitals seeking to implement exceptional efforts to foster better quality of care and outcomes for patients with advanced heart failure

AHA Introduces Heart Failure Certification Program

Program for heart failure management and implementation of clinical practice guidelines
Ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor therapy is associated with worse outcomes

Protease Inhibitors May Worsen Outcomes for HIV + Heart Failure

Higher rates seen for hyperlipidemia, diabetes, coronary artery disease, cardiovascular mortality
For patients with asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction

Risk of Heart Failure Up in ALVSD Patients With Diabetes

Increased risks for those with diabetes and asymptomatic left ventricular systolic dysfunction
For patients hospitalized with decompensated heart failure

Portable Sleep Monitoring Accurate in Heart Failure Patients

Respiratory polygraphy can accurately diagnose sleep apnea in patients hospitalized with heart failure