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Tag: Health Care Access / Disparities

Health care has modest effects on extending life expectancy in the United States

Access to Health Care Has Little Impact on Longevity

Social, behavioral factors account for greater portion of premature mortality than does health care
Broadband penetration rates are considerably lower in the most rural counties

Poor Broadband Penetration in Rural Areas Limits Telemedicine

Broadband penetration poor in counties with inadequate access to primary care doctors, psychiatrists
Most Americans report having excellent or good health and have a usual place to go for medical care

CDC: Most Americans Report Excellent, Good Health

Most health measures remained stable from 2017; percent of adults who have been tested for HIV increased
Receipt of primary care is associated with significantly more high-value care

More High-Value Care Associated With Receipt of Primary Care

Increasing investment in primary care may improve value in the U.S. health care system
Parental depression is linked to kids' increased use of health services

Parental Depression Ups Odds of Child Use of Health Services

Findings seen across spectrum of care -- outpatient, emergency department, inpatient
The American Medical Association opposes policies that enable racial housing segregation

AMA Calls for Alleviating Racial Housing Segregation

Association says racial housing segregation contributes to health disparities
In order to achieve universal health coverage

Better Care Quality Needed for Universal Health Coverage

Integrated approach involving governments, health providers, and patients is best
There is considerable global variation in personal health care access and quality

Global Variation in Personal Health Care Access and Quality

Highest performance in Iceland, lowest in Central African Republic, with variation in rate of progress
In a perspective piece published in the May 2 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine

Health Care for Undocumented Immigrants Is Complex

Innovative models needed for addressing health care for undocumented immigrants
Expanding home-based primary care to American Indian reservations and other rural communities increases access to long-term care and enrollment for health care benefits within the Veterans Affairs system

Home-Based Primary Care Ups Access in Rural Areas

Program increased health care access for veterans inside and outside of the Indian Health Service