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Tag: Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes may be more common in the summer than in other seasons

Rates of Gestational Diabetes Higher in the Summer Months

Swedish study suggests, but can't prove, that rising temperatures might raise risk
A supervised home-based exercise program started early in pregnancy does not reduce the recurrence of gestational diabetes mellitus

Supervised Exercise Program Doesn’t Cut GDM Recurrence

However, program improves maternal fitness and is linked to reduction in psychological distress
The prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus has increased considerably over time in the United States

Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Up in U.S. Since 1979

From 0.3 percent in 1979-1980 to 5.8 percent in 2008-2010, partly due to trends in BMI, race
Obese pregnant women can reduce their risk of gestational diabetes and lower their blood pressure by exercising as little as three times a week

Even Moderate Exercise Can Reduce Risk of Gestational DM

Short walks and some strength training each week made a difference for obese women, researchers say