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Tag: Food & Nutrition: Misc.

Among U.S. male physicians

Chocolate Consumption Shows No Impact on Risk of A-Fib

No association with incident atrial fibrillation; no evidence of effect modification by adiposity, age
Probiotic supplementation in pregnancy and early infancy can prevent infantile eczema

Probiotic Supplements May Help Prevent Infantile Eczema

No significant difference for prevention of asthma, wheezing, or rhinoconjunctivitis
Components of the Mediterranean lifestyle may reduce postprandial lipemia

Components of Mediterranean Lifestyle Cut Postprandial Lipemia

Physical activity shown to reduce PPL, as well as legumes, fish, and herbs, but not wine
Chronic supplementation with beetroot juice

Beetroot Juice Supplementation May Help Lengthen Workouts

Reduction in systolic, diastolic BP, total peripheral resistance at rest and during exercise
Ginger is effective for reducing pain in individuals with primary dysmenorrhea

Ginger May Be Effective for Relieving Primary Dysmenorrhea

Meta-analysis shows reduction in pain visual analog score with ginger during days three to four of cycle
The clinical features of citrin deficiency may mimic those of anorexia nervosa

Clinical Signs of Citrin Deficiency Mimic Anorexia Nervosa

Case report describes 12-year-old girl admitted with anorexia and thinness who had citrin deficiency
Most Americans are not consuming the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables

CDC: Too Few Americans Eating Enough Fruits, Vegetables

Authors call for widespread action to promote fruits and vegetables in the average diet
Consumption of Montmorency cherry juice is associated with a reduction in the development of upper respiratory tract symptoms after a marathon

Cherry Juice May Reduce Post-Exercise Respiratory Symptoms

Potential role of Montmorency cherries in reducing upper respiratory tract symptoms
Artificial sweeteners don't contain the calories or energy that evolution has trained the brain to expect from sweet-tasting foods

Hormone May Be Key to Sugar, Diet Sweetener Response

In experimental model, disruption of Dh44 linked to failure to select nutritive sugars
Occupational morbidity and mortality are elevated across food system industries compared with nonfood system industries

Increased Morbidity, Mortality in Food System Industries

Higher morbidity and occupation mortality rates for food system versus nonfood system industries