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Tag: Food & Nutrition: Misc.

A bumper crop of Amanita phalloides ("death cap") mushrooms in northern California is likely to blame for the poisonings of 14 people in December

CDC: 14 in California Poisoned by Amanita phalloides Mushrooms

Foraging by novices tied to three people needing liver transplants and permanent brain damage in a child
As food manufacturers gradually cut amounts of salt in their products

Americans Are Getting Less Sodium From Packaged Food

However, the researchers found they still eat more salt than is healthy
There is no solid evidence that any diet changes or supplements to ease symptoms of autism spectrum disorder work

No Proof Special Diets, Supplements Work for Autism

Analysis of 19 trials turned up little evidence they actually work; more definitive research needed
Limiting calorie intake may slow aging

Reducing Caloric Intake Appears to Slow Biological Aging

Study found middle-aged adults who reduced their intake showed slower biological aging
Regular chocolate consumption may lead to a lower risk of atrial fibrillation

Regular Chocolate Consumption May Lower Risk of A-Fib

13-year study finds lower odds for atrial fibrillation in people eating moderate amounts
In a case report published online May 4 in The Journal of Dermatology

Case of Gnathostomiasis Caused by Roe Ingestion Reported

Japanese man presented with itchy migrating eruption on back, which was treated with ivermectin
There may be a functional interaction between dietary carbohydrates

Functional Interaction Seen for Dietary Carbohydrates With AMD

Consumption of high-glycemia diet resulted in many features of age-related macular degeneration
Fruit juice should be limited for toddlers and older children

AAP: No Fruit Juice for Infants in First Year of Life

AAP also advises limits for older children, eliminating sippy cups as vehicles for juice
Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables may help reduce the risk of peripheral artery disease

Eating More Fruits, Vegetables May Lower Risk of PAD

One-on-one dietary assessments and counseling needed in peripheral artery disease, researcher says
Colon cancer patients might improve their odds of survival if they eat nuts along with consuming an overall healthy diet and getting regular exercise

ASCO: Nut Consumption Ups Survival in Stage III Colon Cancer

Survival benefits also seen with healthy diet and exercise, researchers say