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Tag: Food & Nutrition: Misc.

There is strong evidence that physical activity and a healthy diet reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

Strong Evidence for Healthy Lifestyle Reducing CRC Risk

Consuming whole grains, foods with dietary fiber, dairy products reduces risk of colorectal cancer
Too many carbs

High Carb Intake Not Healthier for the Heart

High-carbohydrate diets common; more than half of study derived 70 percent of daily calories from carbs
Short-term walnut consumption is associated with reduced feelings of hunger and appetite and increased activation of the right insula

Walnuts Up Insula Activation to Highly Desirable Food Cues

Short-term walnut consumption tied to reduced feelings of hunger, activation of right insula
For people age 50 years and older

Health Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle Quantified in U.S.

At age 50, individuals with healthy lifestyle had seven years longer life expectancy, delay in disability
People with heart-healthy habits in their 20s tend to have larger

‘Life’s Simple 7’ Adherence in 20s Tied to Better Brain Health Later

Following lifestyle recommendations in young adulthood pays off later, researchers say
Eating right may help protect brain health in old age

AAIC: Mediterranean Diet May Help Preserve Cognitive Function

New studies suggest that adherence to better diet can improve brain function
Male mice consuming a red tomato diet have significantly lower tumor number after exposure to ultraviolet-B light

Post UV Exposure, Tumor Number Down With Tomato Consumption

Male mice consuming diet with red tomato powder showed significantly lower tumor number
While a plant-based diet can reduce risk of coronary heart disease

Type of Plant-Based Diet Affects Risk of Coronary Heart Disease

Unhealthful plant-based diet index tied to increased coronary heart disease risk
Sustained diet changes -- even later in life -- can extend people's lives

Large Study Shows Eating Better at Any Age Can Prolong Life

Researchers suggest it's never too late to benefit from a commitment to eating healthier
Lifestyle counseling could help protect the long-term heart health of adults who aren't yet at high risk for heart attack and stroke

Doctors Should Also Advise Healthy People on Diet, Exercise

USPSTF urges doctors to talk to low-risk, in addition to high-risk, adults about lifestyle