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Tag: Food & Nutrition: Misc.

A healthy dietary pattern is associated with a reduced incidence of chronic kidney disease and albuminuria

Healthy Dietary Patterns Linked to Lower Incidence of CKD

Reduction seen in incidence of chronic kidney disease, albuminuria; no significant link found for drop in GFR
Increasing daily consumption of nuts is associated with less long-term weight gain and a lower risk for obesity in adults

Nut Consumption Tied to Less Annual Weight Gain, Obesity

Findings seen for increased consumption of total nuts as well as walnuts, other tree nuts, peanuts
Most hospitals and physician practices are not screening for five key social needs associated with health outcomes

Many Hospitals, Practices Not Screening for Social Needs

Screening for all five social needs reported for 24.4 percent of hospitals, 15.6 percent of practices
Medical education does not equip students to provide high-quality

Medical Students Not Ready to Provide Nutritional Care

Findings consistent regardless of country of training, year of medical education
The prevalence of malnutrition is high among older

Malnutrition Common in Older Brazilians Hospitalized for Cancer

Most prevalent nutrition impact symptoms include no appetite, dry mouth
Food insecurity is associated with fair or poor health and developmental risk but not with obesity

Childhood Food Insecurity Tied to Poor Health Outcomes, Developmental Risk

But food insecurity for children 4 years and younger not associated with pediatric obesity, underweight
Vegetarians and fish eaters have a lower risk for ischemic heart disease compared with meat eaters

Study Reveals Mixed Effects on Health for Vegetarian Diet

Compared with meat eaters, rates of ischemic heart disease lower, but rates of stroke higher
Microplastics have been detected in stool samples of healthy volunteers

Microplastics Detected in Human Stool Samples

Nine plastic types detected in stool samples from eight healthy volunteers
Low levels of certain micronutrients are associated with measures of prefrailty and frailty in older adults

Low Micronutrient Levels Tied to Frailty in Older Adults

Low micronutrient status has potential to be a modifiable target for preventing frailty
Red meat consumption may increase the risk of invasive breast cancer

Red Meat Consumption May Up Risk of Invasive Breast Cancer

Findings from prospective cohort study of sisters or half-sisters of women diagnosed with breast cancer