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Tag: Fibromyalgia

For patients with fibromyalgia

IV Lidocaine Has No Meaningful Impact in Fibromyalgia

No clinical manifestations for combination of lidocaine for four weeks with amitriptyline
There is good agreement in physician-based and patient-based criteria for fibromyalgia diagnosis

Good Agreement for Doctor, Patient Criteria for Fibromyalgia

Large values for Bland-Altman 95 percent limits of agreement indicate widely discordant pairs
Cannabinoids may have limited benefits in rheumatic conditions

Possible Benefit for Cannabinoids in Rheumatic Conditions

Review shows limited benefit in terms of pain relief, sleep; mild to moderate adverse effects
An individualized acupuncture protocol provides lasting pain relief for patients with fibromyalgia

Pain Relief With Individualized Acupuncture in Fibromyalgia

Greater decrease in pain intensity with individualized versus sham acupuncture; effect persisted at 1 year
Compared with controls

More Sedentary Time for Females With Fibromyalgia

Less time spent engaged in light, moderate, and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
Opioid use is widespread among patients with newly diagnosed fibromyalgia

Opioid Prescriptions Common With Fibromyalgia

Patients taking opioids are less likely to subsequently receive guideline-recommended therapy
Moderate to heavy drinking might cut the likelihood of disability for people with chronic widespread pain such as that related to fibromyalgia

U.K. Study: Alcohol Use Tied to Less Disability in Chronic Pain

But U.S. physicians wary; say chronic drinking can worsen pain over time
In a small study

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy May Ease Fibromyalgia

But treatment isn't FDA-approved, so insurance companies might not cover the cost
Most fibromyalgia drug therapy randomized controlled trials are funded by industry

Majority of Fibromyalgia Drug Trials Are Industry Sponsored

Almost two-thirds of trials had one or more authors with financial conflicts of interest
Patients with fibromyalgia have a higher disease burden than those with chronic widespread pain

Higher Disease Burden for Patients With Fibromyalgia

As compared to patients with chronic widespread pain