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Tag: Fibromyalgia

Tai chi is associated with greater benefit than aerobic exercise for patients with fibromyalgia

Tai Chi Beats Aerobic Exercise in Fibromyalgia

Improvement in fibromyalgia impact questionnaire scores was greater for combined tai chi groups
Two simple tests can indicate a probable diagnosis of fibromyalgia in patients with chronic pain

Two Simple Tests Can ID Fibromyalgia in Pain Patients

Pain on pinching Achilles tendon and endorsement of single question regarding pain point to fibromyalgia

Review Suggests Benefits of Aerobic Exercise in Fibromyalgia

Improvements in HRQOL, pain, fatigue, physical function; no lasting impact on HRQOL, fatigue
For patients with chronic fatigue syndrome/fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis

Morphine Effects Similar to Placebo in Rheumatoid Arthritis

Anti-hyperalgesic effects of morphine also similar to placebo in chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia
Local cold applications on the trapezius muscles significantly decreases the pain of patients with fibromyalgia

Cold Application Decreases Fibromyalgia Pain

10-minute cold application on the trapezius muscle tied to significant decrease in pain score
Medication adherence is better for combination prescription initiators with fibromyalgia syndrome

Combo Rx for Fibromyalgia Tied to Higher Adherence

However, combination prescription initiation also tied to higher health care costs
For patients with fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia Symptoms Improve With CoQ10 Supplementation

Clinically significant improvement in various items from the Symptom Checklist-90-R
Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome have high prevalence of anti-thyroid-stimulating hormone receptor antibody

Prevalence of Anti-TSH Receptor Antibody High in Fibromyalgia

Prevalence of TRAb positivity was high compared with control populations in previous studies
Patients with fibromyalgia syndrome with higher self-regulatory fatigue have lower quality of life

Self-Regulatory Fatigue Linked to QoL in Fibromyalgia Syndrome

Higher self-regulatory fatigue linked to lower quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
A water-based Ai Chi program is associated with improvements in quality of life for women with fibromyalgia syndrome

Water-Based Ai Chi Program Beneficial in Fibromyalgia

Improvements in almost all variables under study, including pain perception, vitality, mental health