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Tag: Fentanyl

For patients with severe cancer pain episodes

Study Assesses Sublingual Fentanyl Vs Morphine for CA Pain

Both treatments were found to be safe; majority of patients preferred sublingual administration
Deaths from overdoses of illicitly manufactured fentanyl (IMF) have increased significantly in recent years

CDC: Synthetic Fentanyl a Major Factor in Opioid Overdose Deaths

Number of synthetic opioid-involved overdose deaths rose 79 percent in 27 states from 2013 to 2014
At least one San Francisco-area individual died and eight more were treated in the emergency department in late 2015 after taking counterfeit alprazolam (Xanax) tablets that had been cut with fentanyl

Counterfeit Alprazolam Cut With Fentanyl Can Be Fatal

One person died, eight were sickened when illicit pills circulated in San Francisco