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Tag: Exercise: Misc.

Exercise Intervention Beneficial for Health Care Workers

12-week app-based intervention reduced depressive symptoms, burnout, and absenteeism

Physical Activity Programs Beneficial for Hospitalized Older Adults

Meta-analysis shows improvement in functional capacity for acutely hospitalized older adults

Cardiac Rehab Lowers Risk for Death After Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

However, only 12 percent of patients complete all recommended sessions

Small Amounts of Vigorous Exercise Linked to Reduced Risk for Cancer

Four to five minutes of vigorous intermittent lifestyle physical activity linked to decrease in total, physical activity-related cancers

Increasing Daily Step Counts Tied to Improved Heart Failure Outcomes

Self-reported health status better for patients increasing step counts over 12 weeks

Study IDs Isometric Exercises as Most Effective for Improving Resting Blood Pressure

Along with top ranked isometric exercise, aerobic exercise, dynamic resistance, high-intensity interval training, and combined training also significantly effective

Light Exercise During Dialysis Tied to Improved Physical Functioning

Additionally, patients randomly assigned to exercise versus usual care may have fewer annual days in the hospital

Exercise Plus Cognitive Training May Aid Seniors With Mild Cognitive Impairment

Vitamin D supplementation not an aid alone or in combination

Adherence to Global Health Recommendations Cuts Risk for Some Cancers

Authors emphasize findings support maintaining healthy lifestyle

Preoperative High-Intensity Interval Training May Be Beneficial

Weekend Warriors Get Same Cardiovascular Benefit as Regular Exercisers

Benefit seen with median of 230.4 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week regardless of distribution