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Tag: Economic Status

Poverty and race are tied to the health of lupus patients in the United States

Poverty Affects Severity of Organ Damage Due to Lupus

And, pregnancy complications higher among non-white patients with lupus
Americans with lower levels of income are less likely to get recommended cancer screenings

Improved Breast Cancer Screening Rates With ACA

Waiving costs appears to improve mammography rates, but not colonoscopy, even among the poor
While overall U.S. medical spending growth slowed between 2004 and 2013

Health Expenditures Rising for Middle Class, Wealthy

But, since 2004, simultaneous decline in expenditures for the nonelderly poor
The 2008 global economic crisis has been linked to a sharp rise in cancer mortality

Global Recession Tied to 260,000 Additional Cancer Deaths

Health care cuts, unemployment linked to rise in cancer mortality
Poverty can significantly harm a child's health and should be an issue identified at well-child visits

AAP: Add Poverty to Well-Visit Checklist

One simple question might help families avert serious health risks, American Academy of Pediatrics says
Initiation of human papillomavirus vaccination is highest among teen girls in poorer communities and in populations that are mainly Hispanic or mixed race

Geographic Factors Impact HPV Vaccine Initiation in Teen Girls

Higher initiation among girls in high- vs. low-poverty areas, communities with mainly Hispanic, mixed race
For patients with severe obstructive sleep apnea under a copayment health care system

Financial Obstacles Only Partly to Blame for Low CPAP Acceptance

However, potential 27 percent improvement in CPAP acceptance with higher neighborhood income
Blacks and Hispanics spend approximately 25 percent more time seeking health care than whites

Low Income, Minority Status Affect Medical Care Wait Times

Education also plays a role, with lower education levels associated with longer wait times
Social class and race biases do not appear to affect clinical decision-making among surgical clinicians

Social Class, Race Biases Don’t Impact Surgical Decisions

Most respondents have implicit race, social class biases; these don't impact clinical assessments