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Tag: Economic Status

The risk of dementia is increased for adults in the lowest versus the highest wealth quintile

Risk of Dementia Up for Older Adults With Lowest Wealth

Increased risk seen independent of education, index of multiple deprivation, health indicators
The Child Opportunity Index measure of neighborhood context is associated with pediatric acute care visit frequency and diagnoses

Child Opportunity Index Linked to Pediatric Acute Care Use

Odds of four or more acute care visits per year up for children in lowest opportunity neighborhoods
Loss of wealth over a two-year period is associated with increased risk of all-cause mortality for U.S. adults aged 51 years and older

Sudden Loss of Wealth Increases Risk of All-Cause Mortality

Increased risk of death in those with negative wealth shock versus continuously positive wealth
The 2008 to 2010 Great Recession had a negative impact on the health of U.S. adults

Great Recession Linked to Increase in BP, Blood Glucose

Larger effects of 2008 to 2010 recession seen for younger adults and older homeowners
Lower median household income is associated with worse survival for patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the anus

Median Household Income Predicts Survival in Anal Cancer

Lower income tied to worse overall, cancer-specific survival in squamous cell carcinoma of the anus
Cardiometabolic risk in young blacks is influenced by broad economic conditions

Socioeconomic Conditions Affect Metabolic Syndrome Risk

In study among low-income rural black youths, highest prevalence seen in poorest subjects
Health care providers can help boost patient adherence to antihypertensive medications by communicating more collaboratively with patients

Collaborative Communication Could Improve HTN Rx Adherence

Clinicians in low-income neighborhoods should ask about employment, relationships, researchers say
Socioeconomic position in childhood is associated with carotid intima media thickness

Socioeconomic Position Tied to Carotid Wall Thickness in Kids

Family socioeconomic position linked to maximum carotid intima-media thickness in mid-childhood
Americans living in high-income areas are more likely to be diagnosed with some types of cancer than people living in low-income areas

Certain Cancer Diagnoses Up in High-Income Counties in U.S.

But combined death rate from four cancers studied is similar in high- and low-income counties
The United States has larger income-related differences in perceptions of health and health care than other middle- and high-income countries

U.S. Leads in Income-Based Health Care Inequalities

More public tolerance for health care inequalities seen in United States than other countries