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Tag: Domestic Violence

The incidence and severity of physical intimate partner violence have been higher during the COVID-19 pandemic than in the previous three years

Incidence, Severity of Intimate Partner Violence Up During Pandemic

Decrease seen in overall number of patients reporting IPV, but incidence of physical IPV 1.8 times higher
Women who survive domestic abuse are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease and to die from any cause

All-Cause Mortality Up in Female Domestic Abuse Survivors

Risk for mortality 44 percent higher compared with general population
There is an association between a history of intimate partner violence and the development of functional syndromes

Domestic Abuse Increases Risk for Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue

Female survivors of domestic abuse are at double the risk for developing functional syndromes
Most hospitals and physician practices are not screening for five key social needs associated with health outcomes

Many Hospitals, Practices Not Screening for Social Needs

Screening for all five social needs reported for 24.4 percent of hospitals, 15.6 percent of practices
The U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline had its busiest year ever in 2018

2018 Busiest Year Ever for U.S. National Domestic Violence Hotline

Since 1996, the hotline has provided 24-hour, year-round support for people affected by domestic violence
Victims of intimate partner violence undergo more imaging procedures than age- and sex-matched control patients and are more likely to have obstetric-gynecologic findings and acute fractures

Radiologists Can Help ID Intimate Partner Violence

IPV victims underwent more imaging studies in preceding five years than controls
Clinicians should screen women of reproductive age for intimate partner violence and refer women to ongoing support services if necessary

USPSTF Recommends Screening Women for Partner Violence

Evidence insufficient to support screening for abuse among all elderly or vulnerable adults
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) concludes that the evidence is inadequate for primary care interventions to prevent maltreatment. These findings form the basis of a draft recommendation statement published online May 22 by the USPSTF.

Preventing Child Maltreatment Not Yet Feasible in Primary Care

USPSTF says evidence inadequate for primary care interventions to prevent child maltreatment
Across U.S. counties there is considerable variation in mortality due to alcohol use disorders

Substance Use Mortality Varies Widely Across U.S. Counties

Considerable variation in mortality due to alcohol and drug use disorders, self-harm, interpersonal violence
Most women murdered in the United States die at the hands of a current or former intimate partner

More Than Half of Murdered U.S. Women Killed by Partners, Exes

Federal report on decade of statistics shows over half of deaths were caused by intimate partners