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Tag: Diabetes: Misc.

More than one-quarter of Canadian and Alaskan Inuit have the TBC1D4 mutation resulting in elevated postprandial glucose

TBC1D4 Mutation Common in North American Inuit

TBC1D4 carriers with prediabetes, type 2 diabetes have increased risk of remaining undiagnosed
Of the newer generation sulfonylureas

Gliclazide Has Lowest Risk of Hypoglycemia of Newer SUs

When added to metformin, gliclazide has lowest risk of hypoglycemia of newer generation sulfonylureas
Early exposure to diabetes mellitus or higher insulin resistance has an adverse effect on left ventricular remodeling and function

Diabetes, Insulin Resistance Adversely Affect LV Function

Early diabetes group has less favorable LV mass, LV ejection fraction
Two genetic variants predict the cardiovascular effect of intensive glycemic control in the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes trial

Two Variants ID Cardiovascular Effect of Intensive Glycemic Tx

Genetic risk score based on two loci is significant modulator of cardiovascular mortality response to tx
For patients with hypertension

Albuminuria Linked to Higher Nighttime SBP in Hypertension

Significantly higher nighttime systolic BP, especially in patients with diabetes and low eGFR
For patients with diabetes

Oily Fish Consumption May Ward Off Diabetic Retinopathy

Two servings a week tied to 48 percent reduced risk of incident sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy
Diabetes is associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular disease

Diabetes Linked to Increased CVD, Cancer, Other Mortality

Increases in cardiovascular death, cancer death, noncardiovascular noncancer death in men, women
Monogenic forms of diabetes can occur in preterm infants

Monogenic Forms of Diabetes Can Occur in Preterm Infants

Sixty-six percent of preterm infants diagnosed with diabetes before age 6 months had genetic etiology
For liver transplant recipients

Liver Steatosis Ups New-Onset Diabetes After Transplantation

Donor liver steatosis is independent risk factor for NODAT among liver transplant recipients
Inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system by renal denervation improves insulin sensitivity in obese canines

Renal Denervation Ups Insulin Sensitivity in Preclinical Model

Bilateral renal denervation completely normalizes hepatic insulin sensitivity in obese canines