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Tag: Depression

For patients with major depressive disorder

Addition of Aripiprazole Ups Major Depressive Disorder Remission

Small increased likelihood of remission at 12 weeks in patients with major depressive disorder
Depression is known to be linked to worsening physical health

Depression Contributes to Health Decline Seen in Cancer Caregivers

Identifying signs early on might help protect these individuals, researchers say
Escitalopram may outperform transcranial direct-current stimulation in the treatment of depression

Brain Stimulation No Better Than Escitalopram for Depression

Patients receiving transcranial direct-current stimulation may experience more side effects
Patients with low back pain who are depressed are more likely to be prescribed opioids

Opioid Rx Too Often Given to Back Pain Patients With Depression

Researchers find these patients are also more likely to get higher doses of opioids
There is an inverse correlation for major depressive disorder severity with measures of body composition among older adolescents

Depression Inversely Linked to Body Composition in Teens

SSRIs positively related to body composition, with differential effects for different meds
Depression affects about one-third of hospital patients and could slow their recovery

Review: Depression Screening As Inpatient Important, Feasible

Still, more research needed to determine effect of screening/treatment on patient outcomes
Depression treatment with venlafaxine is associated with increased levels of the bone resorption marker C-terminal cross-linking telopeptide of type 1 collagen

Venlafaxine Use Linked to Bone Turnover Markers in Older Adults

Increase in CTX and decrease in P1NP, consistent with accelerated bone loss with antidepressant tx
Online cognitive behavior therapy programs can help some people with mild or moderate depression

APA: Internet-Based CBT Can Be Helpful in Depression

For people with mild or moderate depression, web-based versions might help, researchers say
Overweight or obesity in youth may have long-lasting repercussions for psychological health

Overweight in Childhood May Up Lifetime Risk of Depression

Risk four times greater if individuals are also overweight as adults, researchers say
The number of children and adolescents hospitalized for thoughts of suicide or self-harm more than doubled during the last 10 years

PAS: Hospitalizations Up for Suicidal Thoughts, Actions in Kids

And, few teenagers will actually reach for the word 'depressed' to describe negative emotions