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Tag: Dental Problems: Misc.

There is an inconsistent correlation between oral health and cognitive status in older individuals

Inconsistent Link Found Between Oral Health, Cognitive Status

No consistent association for cognitive decline with greater loss of teeth, number of decayed teeth
Periodontitis is associated with increased mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease

Periodontitis Linked to Higher Mortality in Kidney Disease

Periodontitis may add to systemic inflammation in patients with chronic kidney disease
The Society of Teachers of Family Medicine has released an innovative app as part of its national oral health curriculum

Innovative Oral Health App Helps With Diagnosis, Treatment

Society of Teachers of Family Medicine app helps family doctors formulate diagnoses, treatment plans
Periodontal disease is associated with increased risk of breast cancer among postmenopausal women

Periodontal Disease Linked to Increased Breast Cancer Risk

Increased risk of postmenopausal breast cancer, especially for smokers who quit within last 20 years
Children exposed to secondhand smoke at 4 months of age may be at risk for tooth decay by age 3

Secondhand Smoke in Infancy May Harm Children’s Teeth

Exposure increases risk of cavities, researchers report
In patients with type 1 diabetes

Periodontal Disease Predicts CAC Progression in Type 1 Diabetes

No link with coronary artery calcium progression for individuals without diabetes
The more infants breastfeed

Fewer Malocclusions Seen in Exclusively Breastfed Children

But children also had fewer 'misaligned' teeth if they reduced pacifier use, researchers say
Treatment of periodontitis may help reduce symptoms of prostate inflammation in prostatitis

Treating Periodontitis May Help Ease Prostatitis Symptoms

Periodontal problems linked to inflammation throughout the body, researcher says
The U.S. government has decreased its recommended level of fluoride in drinking water for the first time in a half-century.

HHS: New Recommendation for Fluoride Levels in Drinking Water

Move is attempt to prevent fluorosis caused by overexposure to the mineral
The dentist's office may be a good place to screen people for diabetes

Screening for DM at Dental Visit May Be Effective Strategy

Researchers find testing blood from mouth is as accurate as finger prick at diagnosing condition