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For patients undergoing colorectal surgery

Venous Thromboembolism Rates Low After Colorectal Surgery

No decrease in rates despite increased use of perioperative, in-hospital VTE chemoprophylaxis
Therapeutic anticoagulation is safe for treating venous thromboembolism in patients with cancer that has metastasized to the brain

Anticoagulation Appears Safe for Patients With Brain Mets

Treatment does not cause significant increase in incidence of intracranial hemorrhage
The majority of adults presenting to the emergency department with low-risk pulmonary embolism are eligible for outpatient treatment

Most ER Patients With Low-Risk PE Eligible for Outpatient Tx

Increased frequency of 30-day adverse events for patients with contraindications to outpatient tx
Weight-based dosing of enoxaparin is more effective than body mass index-based dosing for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis among morbidly obese women after cesarean delivery

Weight-Based Enoxoparin Dosing Best for Obese After C-Section

Weight-based dosing more effective than BMI-based dosing for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis
Newer forms of combined oral contraceptives pills -- brands such as Yaz

Higher Risk of VTE With Newer Forms of Oral Contraceptives

Includes brands such as Yaz, Yasmin, Desogen; risk to any one user remains very low
For patients with suspected pulmonary embolism

Many Incidental Findings From CT Angiography for Suspected PE

Value of incidental diagnoses unclear
For patients with advanced pancreatic cancer

Enoxaparin Prevents VTEs in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer

Enoxaparin effective for preventing VTEs with no adverse effect on major bleeding, chemo efficacy
Obese patients taking warfarin have a higher risk of experiencing a bleeding event compared to their normal-weight counterparts

Higher Bleeding Risk for Obese Patients on Warfarin

But exact reason why isn't known, researchers say
For patients receiving oral anticoagulation after drug-eluting stent implantation

Trade-Off for Six Weeks Versus Six Months of Triple Tx Post Stent

Findings in patients receiving oral anticoagulation who undergo drug-eluting stent implantation
As many as one-quarter of people with atrial fibrillation who have a low risk of stroke are prescribed anticoagulation unnecessarily

Anticoagulation Both Over- and Under-Prescribed in A-Fib

May be unnecessary for those at low risk of stroke