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Adults with cerebral palsy have an increased risk for depression and anxiety

Higher Risk for Depression, Anxiety Seen With Cerebral Palsy

Association seen in patients with cerebral palsy without accompanying intellectual disability
Scoliosis surgery in patients with cerebral palsy leads to a significant improvement in health-related quality of life

Scoliosis Surgery Found Beneficial for Cerebral Palsy Patients

Significant improvements in long-term health-related quality of life seen
Infusion of autologous umbilical cord blood improves whole brain connectivity and motor function in young children with cerebral palsy

Cord Blood Improves Motor Function With Cerebral Palsy

Improved brain connectivity, motor function seen in dose-dependent manner
Maternal obesity may be associated with risk of cerebral palsy in full-term infants

Obesity in Early Pregnancy May Up Rate of Cerebral Palsy

Association statistically significant in full-term, but not preterm, infants
Some women who are overweight or obese before pregnancy may face a slight increased risk of having an infant with cerebral palsy

Prepregnancy BMI May Affect Cerebral Palsy Risk in Offspring

Slight increase in risk for overweight/obese woman, but overall odds remain low
Cerebral palsy is likely due to multiple prenatal factors

Birth Asphyxia Tied to Fewer Than 10% of Cerebral Palsy Cases

Review suggests that causes other than asphyxia account for most cases in infants born at, near term