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Guideline Addresses Physical Function in Cerebral Palsy Patients

Interventions to improve physical function for children, young people with cerebral palsy should include active practice of client goals

25 Weeks May Be Cutoff for Severe Neurological Outcomes in Preemies

Preterm delivery before 25 weeks of gestation may be a critical threshold for increased risk for long-term neurological complications

Fracture Risk With Cerebral Palsy Differs From General Population

Middle-aged men with cerebral palsy are five times more likely to suffer fractures than men without cerebral palsy

Nintendo Wii Therapy Benefits Children With Cerebral Palsy

Systematic review and meta-analysis show improvement in functional balance and dynamic balance among children with cerebral palsy

Physical Therapy Use Lags Among Older Adults With Cerebral Palsy

Physical therapy services used less compared with peers without cerebral palsy matched by musculoskeletal disorder diagnoses

Cerebral Palsy Interventions Should Be Started Early

Parents should be involved in programs with task- and context-specific interventions to improve motor and cognitive outcomes

Adults with cerebral palsy have an increased risk for noncommunicable disease

Higher Risk for Noncommunicable Diseases Seen in Cerebral Palsy

Adults with cerebral palsy have higher risk for cardiovascular, respiratory disease
Adults with cerebral palsy have an increased prevalence of mental health disorders

Risk for Mental Health Disorders Up for Adults With Cerebral Palsy

Prevalence of some mental health disorder categories higher with CP, neurodevelopmental disorders
Cerebral palsy is associated with an increased risk for osteoporosis and osteoarthritis

Adults With Cerebral Palsy at Higher Risk for Osteoporosis

U.K. study also shows association between CP and osteoarthritis when adjusting for other factors
The absence of haptoglobin may be a marker of poor neonatal outcomes among preterm newborns exposed to in utero inflammation

Haptoglobin Expression Tied to Outcomes in Preterm Newborns

Worse outcomes in preemies lacking haptoglobin who were exposed to inflammation in utero