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Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Tied to Increased Incidence of Heart Failure

Significant association was similar for women and men, and was seen for patients aged 61 to 70 years and 70 years and older

RSNA: Lasting Benefit Seen for Hydrodissection in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Improvement in mean Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire persisted at weeks 12 and 24; lasting reduction seen in median nerve cross-sectional area

RSNA: Lasting Benefit Seen for Hydrodissection in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Improvement in mean Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire persisted at weeks 12 and 24; lasting reduction seen in median nerve cross-sectional area

Steroid Injection No Better for Long-Term Carpal Tunnel Symptoms

At five years, no difference seen in symptoms, but rates of subsequent surgical treatment lower with methylprednisolone versus saline injection

Common autoimmune disorders are associated with an increased risk for carpal tunnel syndrome

Autoimmune Disorders May Up Risk for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Hazard ratio for developing CTS significantly increased for Sjögren syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis
Local steroid injection is effective for treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome and improves hand function

Steroid Injection Betters Hand Function With Carpal Tunnel

Nocturnal wrist splinting also effective, but doesn't improve hand function
Extended use of smartphones and other hand-held electronic devices leads to an increased risk of carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Up With Increased Electronic Device Use

Especially for those who spend more than five hours a day on their devices, researchers say
Electroacupuncture may be a beneficial treatment option for carpal tunnel syndrome

Electroacupuncture May Benefit Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Patients undergoing electroacupuncture reported less disability and less severe symptoms
For women with carpal tunnel syndrome

PT Beats Surgery for Quick Relief of Carpal Tunnel Pain

Physical therapy as effective as surgery in medium, long term; more effective for pain relief in short term
Overweight and obesity are associated with increased risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and carpal tunnel release

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Up With Overweight, Obesity

Risk of CTS up 7.4 percent for each one-unit increase in body mass index