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Total Alcohol Intake Not Linked to Ventricular Arrhythmia Risk

Total alcohol intake has U-shaped association with sudden cardiac death; beer, cider, spirits linked to increased risk

Simulation Can Improve Time to First Shock in IHCA

Online education and code simulation improves performance of intensive care unit nurses when responding to in-hospital cardiac arrests

Bystander Rescue Breathing CPR Beneficial for Pediatric OHCA

Odds of neurologically favorable survival improved for RB-CPR versus compression-only CPR

Dietary Patterns May Affect Risk for Sudden Cardiac Death

Greater adherence to Southern dietary pattern linked to higher risk for sudden cardiac death, but the association was not statistically significant

AAP: Screen All Children for Risk for Sudden Cardiac Arrest, Death

Because no single screening strategy can detect all conditions associated with SCA, CPR training in the community is important

Presumed Sudden Cardiac Death Rates Up for Individuals With HIV

Among individuals with versus without known HIV infection, sudden cardiac death due to occult drug overdose was more common

Machine Learning Model Predicts Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Sunday, Monday, holiday, winter, low ambient temperature, large interday or intraday temperature difference strongly linked to OHCA

Discharge to Survival After Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Lower for Women

Among patients who were not made DNR and did not have withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy, women had lower discharge survival

CPR Quality Impacts Survival in In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Number of pauses greater than 10 seconds during resuscitation linked to survival for four end points

COVID-19 Tied to Higher Mortality After Cardiac Arrest

Findings revealed for patients suffering cardiac arrest, either in or out of hospital, who were infected with COVID-19