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Tag: Cancer: Thyroid

American College of Surgeons, Oct. 22-26

The 103rd Annual American College of Surgeons Clinical Congress The annual meeting of the American College of Surgeons was held from Oct. 22...
The terminology used to describe small papillary thyroid cancers may affect patients' anxiety levels and treatment choices

Wording Used May Affect Thyroid Cancer Patients’ Anxiety, Choices

Calling it 'cancer' rather than 'lesions' or 'abnormal cells' could increase anxiety, likelihood of surgery
Overtreatment of thyroid cancers is common

Overtreatment of Thyroid Cancers Seems Common

Choice between total thyroidectomy, lobectomy has little effect on risk of thyroid cancer mortality
Male thyroid cancer survivors have a nearly 50 percent higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease than female survivors within five years of cancer diagnosis

Male Thyroid Cancer Survivors Face Higher CVD Risk

Age at diagnosis, sex, BMI, and thyroid-stimulating hormone suppression therapy affect CVD risk
In an orthotopic anaplastic thyroid cancer model

Hypofractionated Radiotherapy Best in Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer

Hypofractionated radiotherapy beats conventionally fractionated RT in orthotopic ATC model
Two anti-cancer drugs administered together have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat BRAF-positive anaplastic thyroid cancer.

FDA Approves Drug Combo for Aggressive Thyroid Cancer

Dabrafenib + trametinib approved to treat BRAF-positive anaplastic thyroid cancer
Implementation of the 2015 American Thyroid Association guidelines on surgery for well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma was associated with a significant decrease in the rates of both up-front total thyroidectomy and completion thyroidectomy

Thyroidectomy Rates Lower After Guideline Implementation

Up-front total, completion thyroidectomy rates fell after guidelines on thyroid CA surgery implemented
Lymph node density can help predict outcomes in patients with papillary thyroid cancer

Lymph Node Density Predicts Thyroid Cancer Outcomes

Papillary thyroid cancer patients with LND >0.19 have worse disease-specific, overall survival
Imaging studies

Ultrasonography Not Necessary for Evaluation of Hypothyroidism

Detection of incidental nodules can lead to further testing, anxiety and may detract from true complaint
Filipinos die of thyroid cancer at higher rates than non-Filipino Asian and non-Hispanic white individuals of similar ages

U.S. Filipinos Have Higher Thyroid Cancer Mortality

Age-adjusted mortality rates higher than in non-Filipino Asians, non-Hispanic whites