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Tag: Cancer: Stomach

Long-term proton pump inhibitor use is associated with increased risk of gastric cancer even after Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy

PPI-Gastric Cancer Link Remains After H. Pylori Eradication

Increased risk seen in H. pylori-infected subjects who received eradication therapy
Since 1984

Gastric Cancer Incidence Down, Survival Up

Incidence declined between 1984 and 2014, but long-term survival rates are still low
Ramucirumab appears to be safe and effective for the treatment of advanced gastric cancer

Ramucirumab Shows Promise in Care of Advanced Gastric Cancer

In two separate trials, hazard ratios for overall survival favor treatment with ramucirumab
Rates of major upper abdominal cancer resections in octogenarians are increasing

Upper Abdominal Cancer Resections Up in Octogenarians

Increase in resection rates driven by trends in hepatic and pancreatic resections

Reconstruction Method in Gastric CA Surgery Affects Bone Density

Billroth-I reconstruction better than Roux-en-Y for preventing bone mineral density loss
A breath test to detect esophageal and gastric cancers shows promise

Breath Test to Detect Esophageal, Gastric Cancers May Be Feasible

Test could reduce the number of unnecessary endoscopies, researcher says

ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, Jan. 19-21

The 2017 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium The American Society of Clinical Oncology's 13th annual Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium was held from Jan. 19 to 21...
Long-term proton pump inhibitor use is associated with increased risk of fundic gland polyps

Review Links PPI Use With Risk of Fundic Gland Polyps

Proton pump inhibitor therapy may also be associated with increased risk of gastric cancer
Octamer-binding transcription factor 4 is a predictive marker for patients with digestive system cancers

Oct4 Found to Be a Prognostic Marker for Digestive Cancers

Elevated Oct4 levels tied to poor overall, disease-free, and recurrence-free survival
In guidelines published online Nov. 14 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Guidelines Developed for HER2 Testing in Gastroesophageal CA

Tumor specimens should be assessed for HER2 status before initiation of HER2-targeted therapy