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Tag: Cancer: Mouth

For patients with recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma

Pembrolizumab Promising for Metastatic Head, Neck SCC

Prolongs survival among patients with recurrent, metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
Nearly one in five patients undergoing head and neck cancer surgery reconstruction is readmitted within 30 days of surgery

One in Five Readmitted After Head, Neck Cancer Reconstruction

Both sociodemographic and clinical features up the rate of readmission
Taiwanese men exposed to high concentrations of fine particulate matter 2.5 (PM2.5) have an increased risk for oral cancer

Increased Risk for Oral Cancer With Exposure to High PM2.5

Taiwanese men exposed to PM2.5 ≥40.37 µg/m³ have increased risk for oral cancer
Head and neck cancer survivors have an increased risk for suicide compared with other cancer survivors

Head and Neck Cancer Survivors Have Increased Suicide Risk

Survivors of head, neck cancers almost twice as likely to die from suicide as survivors of other cancers
For patients with newly diagnosed head and neck cancer

Marijuana May Improve Quality of Life in Head and Neck Cancer

Some significant benefits observed in quality of life domains for patients with newly diagnosed HNC
Human papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal cancers are increasing among older adults

Older Adults Increasingly Have HPV+ Oropharyngeal Cancers

Regardless of age, favorable survival conferred by an HPV-positive tumor status
Females with head and neck cancer (HNC) are less likely to receive intensive chemotherapy and radiation

ASCO: Undertreatment Seen for Women With Head & Neck Cancer

Female patients are less likely to receive intensive chemo, radiation; increased risk for death from HNC
For patients undergoing head and neck cancer surgery

Celecoxib Lowers Opioid Use Post Head & Neck Cancer Surgery

Decreased opioid use seen after head and neck cancer surgery with free tissue reconstruction
Most active smokers with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma have made one or more quit attempts

Most Smokers With Head and Neck Cancer Have Tried to Quit

Eighty-eight percent of patients had made at least one attempt to quit; mean of 6.6 lifetime attempts
The odds of opioid prescription are increased for patients with head and neck cancer versus those with lung or colon cancer

Odds of Opioid Prescriptions Up in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

More oxycodone tablets provided per prescription for HNCA versus lung and colon cancer