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Tag: Cancer: Colon

Programmed death-ligand 1 is primarily expressed in metastatic colorectal cancer lesions

PD-L1 Mainly Expressed in Metastatic CRC Lesions

Overall, 81.8 percent of metastatic CRCs and 40.9 percent of primary lesions had PD-L1 expression
There is strong evidence that physical activity and a healthy diet reduce the risk of colorectal cancer

Strong Evidence for Healthy Lifestyle Reducing CRC Risk

Consuming whole grains, foods with dietary fiber, dairy products reduces risk of colorectal cancer
Mailed outreach invitations offering a fecal immunochemical test (FIT) or colonoscopy increase the proportion of participants completing colorectal cancer screening

Mailed Invitations Increase CRC Screening Completion

And providing specific reminders to general practitioners improves participation in FIT screening
Gut microbes may promote cytotoxic T-cell infiltration in tumors

CRC Tumor Cells Exposed to Gut Bacteria Express Chemokines

Antibiotic treatment of orthotopic tumor-bearing mice reduced chemokine expression levels
Screening with flexible sigmoidoscopy reduces all-cause mortality

Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Screening Reduces Mortality

Reduction in all-cause mortality at 11 to 12 years using data from individual NORCCAP study cohorts
Colorectal cancer mortality rates have decreased since 1970 in black adults (aged 20 to 54 years)

Colorectal Cancer Mortality Rates Down in Blacks, Up in Whites

Among adults aged 20 to 54 years, increase in CRC mortality only seen in whites aged 30 to 54 years

Centralized Mailings Can Improve CRC Screening Adherence

Participants randomized to receive mailings had 31 percent more adjusted covered time over five years
Factors associated with colorectal cancer screening rates at U.S. community health centers include age and insurance status

CRC Screen Up for Older Patients, Those Not in Labor Force

Patient-provider communication not associated with receipt of CRC screening
Obesity even in adolescence may raise the odds for colon and rectal cancers in adulthood

Obesity in Teens Ups Colon, Rectal Cancer Risk in Adulthood

Concerns are growing about weight's impact on development of chronic disease, researchers say
Patients with insurance that covers computed tomographic colonography are nearly 50 percent more likely to get screened for colorectal cancer

Screening Up When Insurance Covers CT Colonography

Patients whose insurance covered CT colonography were 48 percent more likely to be screened