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Tag: Cancer: Breast

Teens who eat high amounts of saturated fats or low amounts of healthier mono- and polyunsaturated fats tend to have denser breasts 15 years later

Dietary Fat Intake in Adolescence May Affect Breast Density

Higher amounts of unhealthy fats tied to greater breast density
Women with early-stage breast cancer who utilize complementary and alternative medicine may delay recommended chemotherapy

CAM Use May Affect Breast Cancer Patients’ Chemo Decisions

Findings among women prescribed chemo who took dietary supplements, had higher CAM index score
More than one in three women with metastatic breast cancer are extreme users of disease-monitoring tests

Use of Disease-Monitoring Tests Often Extreme in Breast Cancer

More than one-third of women with metastatic breast cancer are extreme users
For premenopausal women with breast cancer

Two Years of Tamoxifen Offers Long-Term Survival Benefit

Survival benefit for premenopausal women with estrogen receptor-positive primary breast cancer
Teenage girls who consume large amounts of fruit may lower their future risk for breast cancer; however

Adolescent Fruit Consumption May Impact Breast Cancer Risk

But second report found women who drink more alcohol over time might increase chances of disease
A man's risk of aggressive and fatal prostate cancer may be heavily influenced by gene mutations previously linked to breast and ovarian cancer in women

AUA: BRCA Mutations May Play Role in Prostate Cancer

Multiple studies suggest they might
Preventive mastectomy that preserves the nipple and surrounding skin may be as effective in preventing breast cancer in high-risk women as more invasive surgeries

Nipple-Sparing Preventive Mastectomies Deemed Safe

Preventive surgeries with nipple preservation don't appear to raise breast cancer risk in high-risk women
Anthracyclines are not related to "chemo brain

Anthracyclines May Not Trigger ‘Chemo Brain’

New research finds no link between the meds and survivors' cognitive function
Treatment with aromatase inhibitors doesn't raise the risk of the most fatal cardiovascular disease events among breast cancer survivors

Aromatase Inhibitors Won’t Raise Odds of Most Fatal CVD Events

But there is a slightly increased risk of less serious cardiovascular issues
Patients with colorectal

Improved Survival for Certain Cancers With Low-Dose Aspirin

Improved odds seen for patients with colon, prostate, or breast tumors, but research isn't definitive