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Tag: Blood Glucose Monitors

Youth with diabetes who are involved with the decision to start continuous glucose monitoring are more likely to continue using the technology

Shared Decision Making Improves Youth Continuous Glucose Monitor Use

Findings for study involving youth with diabetes, with follow-up two months after initiation
In individuals with prediabetes

Cinnamon Supplementation May Improve Blood Glucose Control

Findings support research on whether cinnamon can slow progression of prediabetes to type 2 diabetes
Continuous glucose monitoring improves glycemic control in adolescents and young adults with type 1 diabetes and is beneficial for hypoglycemia in older adults with type 1 diabetes

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Aids Glycemic Control in Young

And, in older adults, CGM versus blood glucose monitoring reduces time spent in hypoglycemia
A higher proportion of older and multimorbid patients with type 2 diabetes achieve low hemoglobin A1c levels

HbA1c Levels Lower in Older, Multimorbid Patients With T2DM

Patients with higher comorbidity burden more likely to be treated with insulin for T2DM
Intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring results in higher treatment satisfaction among adults with type 1 diabetes

New Continuous Glucose Monitor May Cut Hypoglycemia in T1DM

Adults using intermittently scanned continuous glucose monitoring also report less work absenteeism
Both recent severe hypoglycemia and lifetime severe hypoglycemia are associated with worse cognition among older adults with type 1 diabetes

Severe Hypoglycemia in Seniors With T1DM May Worsen Cognition

Findings seen for both recent and lifetime hypoglycemia among older adults with type 1 diabetes
Adjusting glucose thresholds for hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia alarms in continuous glucose monitoring can help achieve better glucose control in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus

Alarm Settings of CGM Systems Impact Glucose Control in T1DM

Adjusting glucose thresholds for alarms linked to less time spent in hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia
One in three commercially available blood glucose monitor systems meet a predefined accuracy standard

Cleared Blood Glucose Monitor Systems Not Always Accurate

Six of 18 systems met predetermined accuracy standard in three of three studies
Both biological and socioeconomic factors appear to play a role in higher hemoglobin A1C readings seen in black patients with diabetes

Glycation of Hemoglobin Differs by Race

Researchers suggest difference stems from both biological and care issues
A continuous glucose monitor helps patients with type 1 diabetes better manage their blood glucose levels

Continuous Glucose Monitoring Ups Control in T1DM Patients

Pair of studies found patients had better levels with devices