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Tag: Birth

Since 1998

CDC: Births of Triplets, Quadruplets on Decline in U.S.

Rate fell 41 percent between 1998 and 2014; decline highest among white women
Early patient-controlled oral analgesia is non-inferior to standard parenteral analgesia for pain management after elective cesarean section

Patient-Controlled Analgesia Non-Inferior After C-Section

Non-inferior to parenteral analgesia for pain management after elective C-section
Zika virus may be associated with hydrops fetalis and fetal demise

Research Links Zika Virus to Hydrops Fetalis, Fetal Demise

Ultrasound demonstrated severe microcephaly, hydranencephaly, intracranial calcifications
Black women have worse in vitro fertilization outcomes than white women

Black Women Have Worse IVF Outcomes Versus White Women

However, limitations exist in studies analyzed, especially for Asian, Hispanic women
The number of births in the United States increased in 2014

CDC: Number of U.S. Births Up to 3.9 Million in 2014

Decrease in rate of teenage pregnancies, and in birth rates for women in early 20s
Mothers with high blood levels of bisphenol A early in pregnancy tend to have newborn girls who weigh less than girls born of mothers with low BPA levels

Exposure to BPA in Pregnancy Tied to Low Birth Weight in Girls

Bisphenol A levels also linked to slightly longer pregnancies
Children who experience transient hypoglycemia right after birth may have a harder time with reading and math when they go to school

Transient Hypoglycemia at Birth Tied to Lower School Scores

But researchers say it's too soon to recommend routine screening
Stillbirths have eclipsed infant deaths for the first time in the United States

CDC: Stillbirths Now Outnumber Infant Deaths in U.S.

Experts point to dropping infant death rates, racial disparities in care, and fertility treatments as factors
The top five unnecessary tests and treatments have been identified in newborn medicine

The Top Five Unnecessary Tests, Treatments in Newborn Medicine

Consensus reached on top five items that are overused as part of Choosing Wisely campaign
The U.S. birth rate remained at an all-time low in 2013

CDC: U.S. Birth Rate Reaches Historic Low

Drop in teen birth rate, poor economy explain downward trend