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Adherence to bronchiolitis clinical pathway recommendations is associated with reduced length of stay and costs

Adherence to Bronchiolitis Guidelines Cuts LOS, Costs

High adherence to bronchiolitis clinical pathway recommendations linked to shorter LOS, lower costs
For patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Infection Risk Lower for Etanercept Vs Monoclonal Ab Rx

Findings from meta-analysis of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Intravenous lidocaine seems safe for reducing pain among patients in the intensive care unit with varying degrees of organ dysfunction

Intravenous Lidocaine Offers Alternative for ICU Patients’ Pain

Findings in patients in intensive care unit with varying degrees of organ dysfunction
For nursing home residents

Acupressure Ups Sleep Quality in Nursing Home Residents

Acupressure on specific acupoints linked to significantly improved scores on PSQI and SF-36
For patients with impaired glucose tolerance

Valsartan Cuts Microalbuminuria in Impaired Glucose Tolerance

No difference in ESRD or doubling of serum creatinine with valsartan versus placebo
Gut dysbiosis seems to affect systolic blood pressure in a rat model

Rat Study Shows Gut Dysbiosis Impacts Systolic Blood Pressure

SBP up in WKY rats gavaged with spontaneously hypertensive stroke prone rat microbiota
Considerable variation is seen in risk assessment for newborn early onset sepsis

Evaluation of Sepsis Varies Across Newborn Nurseries

Obstetric diagnosis of chorioamnionitis is most commonly used factor to identify risk for EOS
Renal transplant recipients are often admitted with acute myocardial infarction

Renal Transplant Recipients Often Admitted With Acute MI

Acute STEMI accounted for 29.3% of RTR admissions; no recent change in STEMI in-hospital mortality
Concomitant use of valproic acid and meropenem is associated with a decrease in valproic acid plasma levels

Valproic Acid Plasma Levels Down With Concomitant Meropenem

Concomitant use of meropenem linked to decrease in VPA plasma level, regardless of MEPM dose
The monophasic hyaluronic acid filler with lidocaine

Monophasic HA Filler + Lidocaine Corrects Nasolabial Folds

Monophasic hyaluronic acid filler, Dermalax implant plus, not inferior to biphasic HA Sub-Q