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For patients with type 2 diabetes

Sitagliptin Stimulates Distal Tubular Natriuresis in T2DM

Increase in intact plasma SDF-1α1-67 and decrease in truncated plasma SDF-1α3-67
Survivors of adolescent and young adult cancer are more likely to report cost-related medication nonadherence

Young CA Survivors More Often Have Cost-Related Nonadherence

Risk of nonadherence was lower for survivors reporting a usual source of care than those without
Complete lymph node dissection may not increase a melanoma patient's overall chances for survival

Full Lymph Node Dissection Does Not Up Melanoma Survival

Survival just as long for those who have less extensive surgery, researchers find
Lithium is linked to an increased risk of heart malformations in infants born to women taking the drug during pregnancy

Lithium’s Risk to Fetus May Be Lower Than Previously Thought

Increased risk of cardiac defects seen, but magnitude of effect smaller than previously postulated
The United States has larger income-related differences in perceptions of health and health care than other middle- and high-income countries

U.S. Leads in Income-Based Health Care Inequalities

More public tolerance for health care inequalities seen in United States than other countries
For patients with a significant response to allergen challenge

Omalizumab Protects Against Early, Late Allergic Responses

Significant reduction in early allergic reaction after 4 weeks, with decrease in FEV1, exhaled nitric oxide
Fluorescence in situ hybridization is associated with increased sensitivity compared with brush cytology for diagnosing cholangiocarcinoma in indeterminate biliary strictures

FISH Beneficial for Diagnosing Cholangiocarcinoma

FISH increased sensitivity of brush cytology for cholangiocarcinoma while preserving specificity
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors appear to increase the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis in patients with type 2 diabetes

SGLT2 Inhibitors Linked to Increased Risk of Ketoacidosis

Associated with approximately twice the risk of DKA compared to DPP4 inhibitors
Americans living in high-income areas are more likely to be diagnosed with some types of cancer than people living in low-income areas

Certain Cancer Diagnoses Up in High-Income Counties in U.S.

But combined death rate from four cancers studied is similar in high- and low-income counties
A new analysis suggests that ballot box results may rob some of the American public of its health

Election Results Could Be Harming Americans’ Health

Review of Obama and Trump wins suggests impact on stress, disease levels