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An intervention targeting gaps in staff communication and coordination (complexity science-based staff training intervention) does not improve the impact of an evidence-based falls quality improvement program

Staff Training Intervention Doesn’t Impact Fall Prevention

Complexity science-based staff training has no impact on falls program in nursing homes
Clinical exome sequencing is an effective diagnostic tool for infants suspected of having monogenic disorders

Clinical Exome Sequencing Useful for Critically Ill Infants

Molecular diagnosis affects medical management in ~half of infants ID'd by clinical exome sequencing
Over the short term there is not a significantly increased overall cancer risk among individuals with type 2 diabetes using sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors

Sodium-Glucose Cotransporter 2 Inhibitors Not Cancer Risk Factor

Overall cancer risk not increased compared with placebo, other active glucose-lowering treatments
Epsom salt intake can lead to severe liver injury in predisposed patients

High Epsom Salt Intake Can Lead to Severe Liver Injury

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis might act as risk factor for development of Epsom salt-related liver injury
Regular leisure-time exercise of any intensity is associated with reduced incidence of future depression

Regular Leisure-Time Exercise May Cut Incidence of Depression

Correlation was seen for future depression, but not anxiety, regardless of intensity of exercise
A vascular surgeon and primary care physician agree that an asymptomatic patient with cardiovascular risk and stenosis of 50 percent on screening carotid ultrasonography should not undergo carotid artery stenosis screening

Patient With CAS of 50 Percent Should Not Undergo Screening

Vascular surgeon, primary care physician agree that patient should participate in trial
Tattoo pigment hypersensitivity causing widespread lymphadenopathy has been described in a case report published online Oct. 2 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Tattoo Pigment Hypersensitivity Can Mimic Lymphoma

Case report describes patient with multiple enlarged lymph nodes seen on PET-CT years after tattoo
Prescription opioid-related inpatient and emergency department discharges have decreased since 2010

Hospital Discharges for Prescription Opioids Have Fallen

But inpatient and ED discharges related to heroin have increased in past decade
Adding surveillance to fecal immunochemical test screening reduces colorectal cancer mortality and increases colonoscopy demand

Adding Surveillance to FIT Screening Cuts CRC Mortality

But addition of surveillance is not cost-effective based on Dutch incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
In an effort to halt the ongoing opioid addiction crisis

Opioid Manufacturers to Provide Doctor Training

74 manufacturers of immediate-release opioids notified that drugs will be subject to requirements