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Women who receive menopausal hormone therapy have reduced age-adjusted visceral adipose tissue

Menopausal Hormone Therapy Linked to Reduced Abdominal Fat

No residual effect for past users, including early discontinuers of menopause hormone treatment
Patients aged 45 to 64 years had an increase in the total hip arthroplasty revision rate from 2007 to 2013

2007-2013 Saw Increase in THA Revisions for 45- to 64-Year-Olds

Decrease seen for all other age groups; decreases in length of stay, hospital costs, complications in 2013
Foreign-born adults living in the United States have a lower prevalence of coronary heart disease and stroke than adults born in the United States

Heart Disease, Stroke Less Prevalent Among Foreign-Born

Foreign-born U.S. residents have lower prevalence of heart disease and stroke than U.S.-born adults
Among smokers who plan to quit after being discharged from the hospital

Use of E-Cigarettes May Hurt Efforts to Quit Smoking

Findings based on a study of patients trying to quit smoking following hospital discharge
Reduced overall survival is seen for patients with alcohol-related hepatocellular carcinoma

Reduced Overall Survival for Alcohol-Related Liver Cancer

Alcohol-related HCC more likely to be diffuse, detected in patients with worse liver function
The total estimated cost of diagnosed diabetes in 2017 was $327 billion

Total Estimated Cost of Diagnosed Diabetes $327 Billion in 2017

Care for people with diagnosed diabetes accounts for 1 in 4 health care dollars in the U.S.
For older patients with acute unstable malleolar fractures

Casting, Surgery Equivalent Over Long Term for Unstable Ankle Fx

Equivalent ankle function for older adults with acute unstable malleolar fractures three years later
For adults

Recent Years Have Seen Obesity Prevalence Increasing for Adults

Increases in prevalence of obesity and severe obesity for adults; no significant trends for youth
Compared with the general population

Children With ASD, Younger Siblings Are Undervaccinated

Vaccination rates were significantly lower among younger siblings of children with ASD
Medicare beneficiaries without a personal physician report substantially worse patient experiences and less routine care

‘Nontrivial’ Number of Seniors Lack a Personal Physician

Lacking a personal physician is more common for some vulnerable groups