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New research supports expanded restrictions on opioid-containing cough and cold medications for children

Data Support FDA Restrictions on Child Cough and Cold Medicines

Surveillance data showed more adverse events for children exposed to hydrocodone than codeine
A woman lost several toenails after a fish pedicure

Fish Pedicure Causes Woman to Lose Toenails

Dermatologists should be aware of potential skin, nail problems tied to fish pedicures
Virtual assistant programs like Google Assistant

Virtual Assistants Not HIPAA Compliant

Lawyer recommends physicians should not bring Siri and Alexa to the office
Duration of preoperative opioid use appears to be the most important predictor of sustained opioid use following back surgery

Most Back Pain Patients Halt Opioid Use After Surgery

Duration of preoperative opioid predicts sustained use after surgery
More than 11 percent of adults aged ≥45 years in the United States report subjective cognitive decline

11.2% of U.S. Adults Aged ≥45 Report Subjective Mental Decline

About half of those reporting subjective cognitive decline report SCD-related functional limitations
There are sociodemographic disparities in eyeglass use by age

Sociodemographic Disparities in Eyeglass Use Among Elderly

Glasses use less likely for those who were older, non-white, had lower educational levels, less affluent
Lawnmowers pose a serious risk of injury to children

AAP: Lawnmowers Pose Serious Injury Risk to Children

American Academy of Pediatrics offers safety tips for children around lawnmowers
Neither glargine followed by metformin nor metformin alone halts the progressive deterioration of β-cell function in youth with impaired glucose tolerance or recently-diagnosed type 2 diabetes

Two Regimens Fail to Stop Declines in β-Cell Function

Metformin alone or after insulin no help in youth with new diabetes, impaired glucose tolerance
Higher levels of vitamin D may be protective against breast cancer

Higher Vitamin D Levels May Lower Breast Cancer Risk

Pooled analysis finds levels ≥60 ng/mL are most protective among women aged 55 years and older
Blacks have considerably increased risk for hypertension than whites through age 55 years

Blacks Have Elevated HTN Risk Through Age 55 Years

Regardless of BP levels in young adulthood, blacks have increased hypertension risk versus whites