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Clostridium difficile spores are able to survive laundering through a commercial washer extractor

Clostridium difficile Spores Survive Laundering of Sheets

Spores on bed sheets able to survive laundering through a commercial washer extractor
Caffeine intake from coffee is inversely associated with the risk for incident rosacea

Consuming Caffeine From Coffee Reduces Incident Rosacea

Significant inverse association for caffeinated coffee consumption; no link for decaffeinated coffee
Integration of plasma next-generation sequencing into the routine management of metastatic non-small cell lung cancer results in an increase in the detection of therapeutically targetable mutations

Plasma-Based Genotyping Aids Targeted Tx of Metastatic NSCLC

Most patients who received targeted therapy based on plasma result achieved clinical response
Undergraduate nursing students who had a higher number of adverse childhood experiences before enrollment have higher levels of burnout and depression during school

Adverse Childhood Experiences Tied to Burnout in BSN Students

Nursing students, particularly women, with higher number of ACEs have more burnout, depression
Interoperability of health care information technology must be improved to facilitate creation of a fully integrated health care system that can improve health and health care at lower cost

Procurement Requirements Drive Interoperability in Health Care IT

Steps outlined for health systems to establish comprehensive, ongoing procurement strategies
A simple clinical assessment seems to be superior to the formalized Danish Emergency Process Triage system for predicting mortality in patients presenting to the emergency department

Simple Clinical Assessment in ED Best for Predicting Mortality

Agreement between formalized triage assessment and simple clinical assessment was poor
A deep learning algorithm can successfully assess mammographic breast density

Deep Learning Algorithm Can ID Mammographic Breast Density

Implementation of DL algorithm in routine clinical practice has agreement with radiologists
Limited evidence is available for over-the-counter treatments for nasal symptoms of the common cold

Limited Evidence for OTC Preps to Treat Nasal Symptoms of Colds

Nasal decongestants can be used for short periods for adults; their safety is unclear for children
Many pregnant women are not getting recommended vaccinations

CDC: Many Pregnant Women Not Receiving Immunizations

Less than half who were pregnant during peak flu vaccination period in 2017 to 2018 were vaccinated
Higher lifetime trauma among women is associated with decreased birthweight among male offspring

Maternal Trauma Associated With Low Male Infant Birthweight

Combo of trauma history, higher levels of cortisol linked to lower birthweight in boys only