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Significant change is seen in symptom scores and maximum urinary flow for sham controlled endoscopic and injection benign prostatic hyperplasia interventions

Significant Changes With Sham Sx in Prostatic Hyperplasia

Review shows significant change in symptom scores, maximum urinary flow in sham surgery arm
For patients with urinary tract infections

Continuation of Antibiotics for UTI Often Inappropriate

Antibiotics frequently initiated inappropriately in ER; continuation after admission inappropriate for 68%
Magnetic resonance imaging-ultrasound fusion targeted prostate biopsy improves detection and risk stratification of high-grade disease and limits detection of clinically insignificant prostate cancer

MRI-Ultrasound Fusion Improves Prostate Biopsy Cancer Detection

More high-grade cancers detected with MRF-TB vs. systematic biopsy in men undergoing primary biopsy
Fewer U.S. men are being screened for prostate cancer

Prostate Cancer Screening, Detection Both Down in U.S.

But whether that's good or bad isn't yet clear
In 2014

CDC: Rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis Up

Increases are largely driven by STD epidemic among men, U.S. researchers say
Nearly 17 percent of patients are readmitted to a hospital after having emergency surgery

Emergency Sx Patients Often Readmitted to Different Hospital

Nearly 17 percent of readmitted patients ended up in hospital other than where they had surgery
Direct patient contracting practices

ACP Issues Guidance on ‘Concierge’ Practices

Growth of DPCPs fueled by physicians' frustration; may exacerbate disparities in health care
A web-based cognitive behavioral therapy program is effective for preventing suicidal ideation among medical interns

Web-Based CBT Program Cuts Suicidal Ideation in Interns

Web-based cognitive behavioral therapy program reduces likelihood of endorsing suicidal ideation
Expanding protocols for rooming and discharge can allow physicians to free up an hour or more of time per day

Expanding Rooming, Discharge Office Protocols Can Save Time

Delegating rooming, discharge tasks to clinical support staff can save physicians ≥1 hour/day
Type 1 and type 2 papillary renal-cell carcinomas are characterized by specific genetic alterations

Specific Genetic Alterations in Papillary Renal-Cell Carcinomas

Specific alterations seen in type 1 and type 2 carcinomas; type 2 consists of at least three subtypes