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Asthma is associated with increased risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm and rupture

Active Asthma Ups Risk of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

Risk of abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture also increased
For adults with a degenerative medial meniscus tear

Partial Meniscectomy No Use for Meniscal Tear

APM has no benefit over sham surgery for relief of knee catching or occasional locking
The fat repositioning technique in lower blepharoplasty improves pseudofat herniation and adds volume to the lower periorbital and cheek areas

Fat Repositioning in Lower Blepharoplasty Effective

Improvements seen in tear trough and lower eyelid-cheek areas
For women with vaginal prolapse

Review: Risks and Benefits for Transvaginal Mesh

Lower rates of awareness of prolapse, reoperation for prolapse; higher rates of de novo incontinence
Gastric bypass surgery is associated with improved long-term survival for patients at all ages above 35 years

Gastric Bypass Tied to Reduced Mortality for Obese >35 Years

Lower mortality for patients aged 35 through 44, 45 through 54, 55 through 74 years
For adults with a degenerative medial meniscus tear

Partial Meniscectomy No Use for Meningeal Tears

APM has no benefit over sham surgery for relief of knee catching or occasional locking
The likelihood of developing breast or thyroid cancer as a secondary malignancy is increased following diagnosis of the other cancer

Thyroid Cancer Risk Up Following Breast Cancer and Vice Versa

Review finds odds up for developing thyroid or breast cancer as secondary malignancy after the other
Medical liability reforms are likely to be advanced and challenged in 2016

AMA Highlights Issues Relating to Medical Liability Reform

New ideas likely to be implemented in 2016 to address existing, developing issues in medical liability
Stimulation of the vagus nerve as part of intraoperative neuromonitoring during thyroid surgery can result in severe cardiac complications

Vagal Nerve Stimulation Can Lead to Cardiac Complications

In two cases, patients became asystolic after dissection, stimulation of vagus nerve in thyroid sx
Listening to guided meditation or music significantly lowers patient anxiety and fatigue during imaging-guided breast biopsy

Guided Meditation, Music Cuts Anxiety During Breast Biopsy

No adverse effects seen on radiologist-patient communication